Finding Identity in Sin

Before becoming a blood-bought believer and follower of Christ, I was always unsure how I should feel about same-sex relationships. I didn’t know much about God, but something in me always felt like God wouldn’t create the desire for a person to have same-sex attraction, especially if His word says it’s a sin. God doesn’t place sin in us, we are born into a sinful world and are exposed to it. It’s on us whether we walk into any open doors.
I can remember being a witness to many discussions and debates about whether a person was born gay or if they chose it later in life. I’ve heard stories of people getting “turned out,” meaning they had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex later in life, and now they identify as homosexual. I was always so torn. Do you just let people be who they say they are? Can you pray away the gay? Is it a choice, or are they born that way? I had no idea; however, I always felt it was wrong to hate them for their choices. Outside of that, I didn’t know how to feel.
But now.
Now that I am in Christ and better understand God’s word, my spiritual eyes have been enlightened. I view the world through these spiritual eyes. I can look back at my former thoughts and recognize I needed biblical truth to cast out the confusion and uncertainty I once had.
The Bible talks about being in this world, but not of it (John 17:14-16, John 15:19); however, many of us have unfortunately become of it. Many of us have become the world. We identify with what the world says and believes to be correct and stray away from what God says is good.
From the beginning, God has said that he made us in His image and likeness (Genesis 1:26.) Yet I see many people identify with everything and everyone else except the image of Christ. The intention is to resemble God in moral character and spirituality on earth. Another part of our identity in Christ is no longer being slaves to sin (Romans 6:15-18). Once we are saved and in Christ, God looks at us and sees His son. He sees His holiness and righteousness. So, why would we want to look like anything else? Why would we want to continue to be a slave to our sin and be labeled by our sinful nature?
The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin.
“Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.” Leviticus 18:22 NLT
“Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men.” 1 Corinthians 6:9 NIV.
It is a desire that the flesh struggles with, and it’s no different than any other struggle of the flesh. Some struggle with drugs, alcohol, or porn addiction. Albeit a fleshly desire, you can be delivered from it if you submit that desire to God.
Yet somehow, the world has made identifying with the sin of homosexuality acceptable and even celebrated. Am I the only one that has noticed this is the only sin (as far as I know) that is outwardly celebrated? We don’t see murderers organizing parades to celebrate killing someone. Or adulterers fighting for their rights to cheat. It’s quite bizarre when you think about it.
How has this sin become so socially acceptable that anyone who challenges it is immediately deemed hateful? Now, don’t get me wrong, plenty of Christians (and non-Christians) have been very hateful toward the LGBTQ community, and just for the record, I am completely against it.
And FYI, so is God. God does not hate the person; he hates the sin. God cannot go against himself; therefore, He cannot hate the image bearer he created, no matter what they have done. He doesn’t hate homosexuals; he hates the sin of homosexuality. He doesn’t hate the murderer; he hates the sin of murder. He does not hate the adulterer; he hates the sin of adultery.
Let’s remember sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2, Exodus 32:33); that is why he hates it so much. He does not want anything to come between Him and his children. So, imagine not only being separated from your child, but now your child doesn’t even want to identify as yours.
Imagine your child being abducted for so long that they don’t even remember you are their biological parent. Suppose they are separated from you for so long that they now identify with a different family.
The Lord is heartbroken, just as you would be if it were your child.
He does not want his children to identify with a sin that separates them from Him. He wants to be reconciled with us here on earth and for eternity (2 Corinthians 5:18).
We cannot continue to operate as the world does, especially if you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. God sent his children to earth to have dominion over it, not for it to have dominion over us (Genesis 1:26-28). The world is to follow believers as believers follow Christ.
I hope this will provide a healthy biblical perspective that can bring transformation by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2). If the person reading this could look at this sin for what it truly is, maybe, just maybe, renewal can take place. Perhaps this person can look deeper into what they choose to identify with or what led them to identify with this particular sin. Or maybe this post can be passed on to a loved one you know who is struggling in this area.
This is not coming from a hateful space but a place of correction and edification. When I see someone operating in error, I do my due diligence by correcting in love. I hope I’ve done that here.
Feel free to leave comments so we can have a healthy conversation. This post is part 1 of a three-part series to illuminate the dark spaces we’ve accepted for far too long. Let’s all walk in light.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am praying for your children. I pray that they no longer choose to identify with the sin you nailed to your cross but with the risen king who has all power and authority. I come against the spirit of pride that this sin operates under. I pray for renewed minds and transformed hearts in your people today, Lord. I love them just as you do, Father. May they come to themselves as you welcome them home with open arms. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Yours Truly Moe
Greeat piece.
Great scriptural references.
Thanks Jackie!
This was so good!!! I especially like the part about how it’s a fleshy desire just like any other temptation but we don’t accept any other sin but this one. So true, I’m excited for part 2!
Thank you so much! Hold on to your seats for part 2. It’s definitely spicy.
This was so well written thank you for shedding light on this topic!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.