Finding Identity in Sin

Finding Identity in Sin

Before becoming a blood-bought believer and follower of Christ, I was always unsure how I should feel about same-sex relationships. I didn’t know much about God, but something in me always felt like God wouldn’t create the desire for a person to have same-sex attraction, especially if His word says it’s a sin. God doesn’t place…

Shedding Skin

Shedding Skin

Do you know why snakes shed their skin? According to its because “it doesn’t fit anymore or because its old or worn out. When snakes grow, their skin does not, so they outgrow it”. As a new believer you will go through a similar season. If you recently gave your life to Christ, you’ve…



Journal entry March 30, 2020. “I looked out the window this morning and realized the tree outside of my house had started to bloom. Despite all that is happening in the world this tree still bloomed. It doesn’t care what’s happening around it. It still did what it’s naturally supposed to do. It bloomed. It…