When The Blessing Doesn’t Fit

“The step he’s asking us to take doesn’t match where he said we would go”

I stole this quote from a devotional I read, and I wish I could remember who said it. Nonetheless, it spoke to me and what I was dealing with at the moment.

I heard God say to me clearly “I created this just for you” when I got a promotion at my job. This position did not previously exist. It was newly created, and God called me, and only me to it. It was such a blessing at just the perfect time. I needed this promotion and was happy God had me in mind for it.

Well, almost a year into it I was ready to jump ship. I was struggling ya’ll. I felt completely unqualified for the role. I didn’t have the background, and knowledge that my colleagues had. I was in meetings feeling completely lost, and never knew what anyone was talking about. I don’t know what they saw in me to do this job. There is no way God created this for me.

In the beginning I was so confident that I would catch on quickly and own it like I do in most cases. However, after almost a year I still felt like I had just started yesterday. What made it even worse was they were starting to give me more projects to handle and more responsibility. They wanted me to take more of a leadership role in meetings and speak on subject matter I knew very little about. Again, I didn’t have the background and years of experience these people had. How did they expect me to do this?

I slowly started to dislike my new “blessing” and was losing interest all together. I was no longer eager or excited to learn. I just wanted out. Of course I started to question God. Like, why would you create something for me that doesn’t fit? Why would you put me in a position that I am completely unqualified for and am failing miserably at? This blessing just doesn’t suit me. I feel like I am wearing clothes three sizes too big and I just look and feel silly.

After my rant, my faith stepped in. I was reminded of my favorite scripture. Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. God doesn’t set us up to fail. He sets us up to prosper. What we go through is not to harm us, but to give us hope and a future.

Then I was reminded that God qualified me long before this role was even created. I was qualified from the moment He created me. He already equipped me with everything I need to fulfill the requirements of this job. It didn’t matter what my co-workers had. I had something way more. I had God’s guiding hand. I learned to pace myself with my workload and CONSTANTLY reminded myself that God was right there along with me through every assignment and every task. I started to call on him for EV-ER-Y-THING. Every time I felt like I couldn’t do something, I would say, “but God you can please help to guide me through”, and he always did.

Going back to the quote, “The step he’s asking us to take doesn’t match where he said we would go”. This role doesn’t at all match where God said he is taking me, but there is clearly something here that I need to take with me. We may not always like what comes along our journey. There will be pit stops that just don’t make sense and don’t feel right. These are the seasons where trusting God is key. Trusting what he already promised you, and trusting who he is. He is the author and finisher of our lives. He already knows how this thing ends. He wrote it. So I am learning to continue to trust God, and that this pit stop is just the fuel I need for my next destination. So I encourage you all to appreciate every blessing even when you don’t necessarily feel blessed in that moment. God doesn’t waste his blessings it will be used for something one day. Hold on, and trust him.

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One Comment

  1. Amen! Thanks for sharing this post because it truly feels exactly like this at times. Learning to glean from every season that I am in. Trusting God’s process along the way.

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