No Excuses

I can think of countless times where I would find an excuse or a reason why I couldn’t get something done. I know I have given God numerous excuses as to why I couldn’t start this blog or write my book, or serve in whatever capacity he needed me to. I had tons of excuses but never a real reason.

We now know that Chadwick Boseman not only had an excuse, but a legitimate reason as to why he couldn’t take on a role or finish a job, but he never once used it.

We (the black community) lost one of our superheroes this past weekend. Chadwick Boseman, among other exceptional roles, portrayed the comic book superhero Black Panther on the big screen, and gave black children everywhere someone to look up to. He gave them an image they can relate to; an image that reflected their image.

My generation never had that growing up. I can only imagine the kind of power these kids feel they possess simply because they see another black face with so much strength, and power, and doing good. Imagine how that would have inspired you as a child, and how it could have changed your outlook on what you are capable of achieving in life. I am grateful that he gave this generation their own superhero to look up to.

The public never knew of Chadwick’s battles. We had no idea that while representing a character with endless powers he was powerless against the inevitable disease he would succumb to. We had no idea that while filming multiple movies such as Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity Wars, Endgame, Marshall and a few others that he was in and out of surgeries and chemotherapy.

He never let cancer be the reason why he couldn’t do everything God put him here to do. I can’t even fathom the effects cancer has on you mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Mentally thinking about the family and friends you will leave behind, and all that you will miss out on. The emotional roller coaster of the good days and bad days. Then the physical pain, fatigue, and exhaustion that you endure on a daily basis. Yet through it all he delivered every time.

Hearing of his passing brought shock, and sadness of course, but then realizing all he accomplished while managing a terminal disease has just been awe inspiring for me. The strength it took for him to keep going, keep pushing, and to complete everything that God intended him to with no excuses is beyond encouraging. I’m sure he was tired, but that was no excuse. I’m sure he was scared, but that was no excuse. How many times could he have played the cancer card but didn’t. If he didn’t use cancer as his excuse then what excuse do I have? What excuse do any of us have?

From now on I feel like I can no longer say I’m too tired, or I just don’t feel like it. Anytime I try to look for an excuse to not get something done I will think about the strength of this man, and remember that I have that same strength within me. I will think about how he endured through suffering. I will remember that as long as I have air in my lungs then I don’t have an excuse.

Whatever is set before me by God has to be completed no matter my mental, emotional, or physical state. We were all sent here to complete something. We all serve a purpose in this world, and Chadwick fulfilled his even with restrictions, and suffering. It might have slowed him down at times, but it definitely didn’t stop him.

In a way you can say that he did have natural super powers. He relied on the power of the holy spirit within him to carry him through, and we have that very power within us to do the same.

Thank you Chadwick Boseman for sharing your gifts with us, and leaving behind a legacy of inspiration that will live on beyond all our years.

Rest in eternal peace.


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