2020 – The Year Of Transition

What a year! WHAT A YEAR!!!!

This has definitely been a year of transition. Transitioning from what was to what will be. Transitioning from living one way to learning to live differently. Transitioning from what we thought was important to what really is. 

It was scary. It was confusing. It was reflective. It was introspective. It made you pause. It made you appreciate. It made you spend more time with your loved ones. God made sure we realized who was really in control here. Everything we thought we would accomplish, all the places we thought we would go, and all the goals we thought we would achieve was quickly stripped away in one clean sweep. 

We were all affected in some way or another. Some worse than others. I know people who lost multiple loved ones, jobs, and businesses. In the same token I know people that thrived during this season. Got married, had babies, bought homes, got promoted, and expanded their business. 

Whether externally, or internally we all had to transition in some way this year. If this crazy year hasn’t affected your livelihood it most certainly affected the way you think about your life, and the way in which you live it. It should have affected the way you see the world, and how you see yourself in it.

I faced transition in every area of my life. In my home, at my church, my workplace. Literally every area. Everything changed, and quickly. There was no time for preparation, or notice. God said shift and shift now! 

Some people in my life moved to new cities, transitioned into new roles, or just abruptly left with little to no explanation. I just had to learn to adapt, and quickly. 

I had to take a step back and look at all that has happened and ask God what he needs me to get from all these changes. What does it mean for me? Shoot what does it mean for all of us?

Do we need to re-evaluate the people we have in our life? The direction we’re heading? The types of relationships we are cultivating? The way we are living?

I find myself questioning: have I grown what from 2020 has shown me? Am I a different person now than I was BC (before COVID)? Do I appreciate the people in my life more? 

Even though this year has been muddy and messy, I think it has actually allowed me to see things more clearly. I know who I am. I know what I want, and what I don’t want. I’m learning to set boundaries and be clear with my intentions. I am learning to not feel guilty for asking for what I want and deserve. I am learning to say no and walk away from the things that no longer serve me.

Ask yourself what did God want you to gain from this experience? What was the lesson? What am I transitioning out of and growing into? It’s ok if you haven’t figured it all out yet, it’s a great accomplishment to just finish the year at all. You don’t have to have it all figured out, but it is definitely something to reflect on. 

I hope this recent time of suffering, confusion, racial inequality, sickness, and solitude has at least brought some people closer to God. Even if that means questioning the way he works. He doesn’t mind the questions. He’s just glad you’re seeking him. 

So, whether 2020 has left you hopeful for a better year, or dreading what’s to come remember who has been, and continues to be in control. Remember who you can seek and rely on to redeem all that you’ve lost. Remember that he doesn’t waste any moment or experience. He will use 2020 for your good and guide you through your next transition.

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